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The vision of an independent, fundamental, soul-winning church in the Blairsville area seems to have begun in the early 1970′s, with the prayers of a Young Harris family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sims, that God would start such a church in this area.

The burden to establish a strong soul-winning ministry here became foremost in the mind of local restaurant owner Bobby Poteet in 1973, when two local girls, age 14 and 15, who were former employees at his restaurant, were found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in a car stuck on a muddy road.

A letter was soon written to Dr. Curtis Hutson, pastor of Forrest Hills Baptist Church in Decatur, Georgia, seeking his advice and help in getting someone from outside the area to come and work full-time at soul winning. Dr. Hutson replied by telephone with the good news that he felt God wanted him to help in the effort to start an independent church and find a dedicated preacher for its pastor.

Shortly, Faith Baptist Church came into being as an official mission of Forrest Hills Baptist Church. It became the 45th church in Union County. The Sims family soon learned of these efforts and gave their wholehearted support. The addition of a strong Christian family was very encouraging and much needed. In late October, 1974, all interested parties attended church at Forrest Hills and met with Dr. Hutson afterwards. Many postponements and discouragements later, the afternoon of May 18, 1975, saw Dr. Hutson, along with John Reynolds, the Associate Pastor and Music Director of Forrest Hills, plus several others, landing at Blairsville Airport. A meeting at 3:00 PM that day was attended by fifty-two people. A total of seven trips were made from Atlanta by various preachers and interested parties.

On the fifth trip up here, the Preacher of the day was James Brock, Jr., a young man who felt led of God to give up a teaching job at a Christian School in Hollywood, Florida to go somewhere and start a soul winning church. On the seventh trip, James Brock returned with the conviction that God was calling him to be the Shepherd of this meager flock. On Sunday, June 29, 1975, James Brock, Jr. was nominated and elected pastor of the still unnamed Faith Baptist Church. He preached his first sermon as pastor on July 6, 1975.

Many people have been saved as a result of Pastor Brock’s ministry here, including many children saved through a bus ministry begun in the fall of 1975 with a bus donated by the Forrest Hills Baptist Church. Two acres of land were purchased in late 1975 for the church site, which is the current site of a sanctuary, a fellowship hall and a gymnasium.

Pastor Brock was our pastor for 27-1/2 years until his death in October 2002. Pastor Richard Helms was appointed as interim pastor following the death of Pastor Brock and was later elected as pastor in June 2003. Pastor Helms served as the pastor until his resignation in January 2011. After many months of prayerfully seeking God’s direction for a pastor of His choosing, Faith Baptist Church was pleased to welcome Pastor Douglas Parham as our senior pastor with Pastor Emory Alexander as the associate pastor on June 1, 2012. After nearly 5 years of faithful service, Pastor Parham resigned on April 16, 2017.
On  April 30, 2017 Bro. Emory Alexander was elected as the new Pastor of Faith. Bro. Emory, his wife Rachael, son Hunter, and daughter Dixie are excited about God's moving at Faith, and look forward to even greater ministry and outreach in the years to come. As we strive to reach our community, and the world (we now help support over 40 missionary families,) we invite you to visit with us, and see what God is doing at Faith Baptist Church!

Sunday Service Schedule 
Sunday School-9:45am 
Sunday Morning-11:00am 
Sunday Evening-6pm 

Mid-Week Schedule 

Wednesday Bible Study-7pm 

Wednesday Prayer Meeting-7pm 

Wednesday Youth Group-7pm

Ph. 706-745-6547
Fax- 706-745-1378

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Faith Baptist Church Blairsville, Georgia

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